The goods sold at this market have plenty of technical characteristics and their presentation with all the descriptions takes on average more than 30 pages. One should remember that sale associates learn all these in his\her spare time so to make sure the information is clear for them, it has to be considerably simplified, put into comprehensible terms, contain only key facts about the products. Instead of explaining the features in complicated technical terms, it is much better to present their benefits for the buyer.
For instance, a fridge is equipped with an inverter compressor. What does it exactly mean for buyers? First of all, it means saving power, noiseless operation, long service life and a higher quality of temperature control which allows products to stay fresh for a longer time. That is the way we interpret all technical data.
As we have observed, the average employment in sales does not exceed 6 months. Due to the high staff turnover, sale associates have to be trained non-stop and involved in the incentive programs. Besides, it is vital to remember to remove previous associates from the company’s database. Because, as they accumulate, they continue to take part in closed competitions inside a reference community and become the so called “prize snatchers.”
Sales associates are for the most part young people, the millennial generation. They have a clip thinking being unable to concentrate for a long time on large amounts of information if it is of no interest for them. The traditional approach makes them bored, they are not going to waste their free time on webinars, presentations, lectures and tests. The edutainment approach is far more efficient here. It means teaching while entertaining and involving in game scenarios.
The consumer electronics market is highly competitive. All manufacturers have similar models in their product ranges and their own incentive programs. If one simply showcases the prizes and starts handing out money to everyone, it will cause war among marketing budgets. What is really necessary is to boost intangible motivation: to issue certificates for learning the products’ specifics, to introduce some elements of gamification to promote competition among the community members, to distribute the prize fund in a way that provides a wider coverage and to use other methods to permanently keep the sale associates’ focused on the program.