Edcommunity.ru has a large catalogue of digital lessons that are developed and uploaded by the community members. The catalogue goes with a convenient heading list classified according to topics and classes. Now teachers do not have to prepare for their lessons on their own, as they can easily find a necessary lesson in the database, download it and display an up-to-date multimedia subject presentation for their students, all that completely free of charge.
For those teachers who are still not so good at understanding the work of the community and interactive boards, the portal offers a special section, Training Centre, where they can learn about various training options. For instance, a teacher can attend a series of free topical webinars powered by Polymedia, enroll for offline seminars, and learn about commercial distance courses.
The Communication section turns Edcommunity.ru into a full-fledged social network which enables its members to communicate in all possible ways, via blogs, fora and groups.

In my opinion, Edcommunity.ru is different from other communities as it serves the teachers and quite often we see communities where everything is vice versa and teachers serve the community. Since I joined the Edcommunity.ru, I have met a lot of friends and like-minded people who, just like me, who are crazy about using interactive boards. The platform organized free workshops for teachers with any level of technological expertise. Their presenters demonstrate us educational innovations in a clear and graphic way. Professional contests are held annually where every teacher has a chance to display his\her IT skills.
When I compare myself with what I was like some 10-12 years ago, I can see that I have changed entirely, my lesson are more up-to-date and topical, we feel comfortable in class, my students show great academic results and even teachers from Moscow are amazed at how well my students can work with interactive boards.
If I try to describe Edcommunity.ru in a nutshell, I can say that Edcommunity.ru is a navigator for teachers in a limitless space filled with various innovations and educational solutions.