Merchandise catalogue with a bonus service “benchmarking”
Information section with interactive videos, contests, tests, educational games. Here every member can challenge themselves and test their knowledge. As an award, they can get a personal certificate and valuable prizes.
Entertainment section. The portal has two parallel members rating systems. One takes into account points gained during learning, another works with points received for the participation in online entertainment events.
Communication and “hanging out” section: blogs, fora, personal messages ensure a lively and friendly communication.
In the marketing environment characterized by the incessant flow of customers, it is increasingly difficult for a producer to deliver the required information to sales personnel. That is why several years ago we felt an acute need for the internal development of e-learning tools and for forming our own powerful reference community. With BrandRecommend’s active help, such tools as an online portal and a mobile application were developed. With those, we are always in touch with the community members and instantly respond to the received feedback.
The BrandRecommend team possesses high expertise in retailing and being well acquainted with the minutest details, it supervises the sales ensuring that there are no cases of misconduct.
Together, we managed to collect an impressive database – 50,000 sales associates. I do not think I know any other tools today which could cover such a vast audience with the same efficiency.